In This World Randomly…

Sitting idly, thinking sadly
How I wish I could marry.
The one I think I got to be lucky
In this world full of money.

No matter how difficult life can be
I’d still flash a smile full humbly
To those who see things bitterly
In this world full of bubbly.

Things are meant to change
Just like them in this cage
Swaying and squirming like a page
In this world full of sage.

How can one fulfill duties in the lare?
If one sees things like a mare
Who knows nothing but to stare
In this world full of no care.

Live as much as one could do
Showcase talents and skills to prove
That one can be somebody to flee
In this world full of half bliss.

E.R Baguinaon (10272018)

Published by erbaguinaon

A walking contradiction. Always in reclusion.

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